Contact Us

The BOB Gear® experience is more than just building great products; it’s also ensuring our customers have the support they need to get the most out of their jogging stroller or trailer.

Our Customer Service department can assist in answering questions about warranty coverage and product specifications, as well as technical questions.


1.704.409.1699 (If calling from outside the USA or Canada)

Hours of operation:
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am - 5:15 pm (ET)
Friday: 9:00 am - 4:45 pm (ET)
BOB Gear
4140 Pleasant Road
Fort Mill, SC 29708


Please use our Britax contact form to reach us via email. A representative will respond to your request shortly.

Click here to provide your product information so that we can resolve your request for information quickly.

For urgent matters, please contact us via phone rather than email.

Woman pulling child through the snow in a renegade wagon

The website is the primary source of information about BOB products for the US and Canadian markets. Visit our global division sites for more information about product availability and support in other regions.


Australia & New Zealand
Phone: 1-300-303-330



BOB Gear Customer Support Resources

Media Inquiries

Questions from members of the media, including blogger inquiries regarding product reviews, should be directed to our media contacts.

Media Inquiries