30-Minute Total Body Stroller Workout – Fit4Mom

by Lisa Druxman on March 28, 2014 in Active Parenting, Lisa Druxman, Stroller Strides

It goes without saying, that finding “alone” time to work-out suddenly becomes very difficult, when your little one arrives. But, what if you didn’t have to work-out “alone”? What if your precious little baby could join you and get some fresh air, or a nap, at the same time? That’s what this 30-Minute Total Body Stroller Work-out aims to achieve: a work-out for mom or dad and some quality time with baby.

Be sure to talk with your physician before starting any new exercise program. It’s important to make sure that both you and baby are strong enough for what lies ahead. If you’re working out with a stroller that has a safety featurelike a wrist strap, be sure to secure it before beginning any fitness adventure.



Start with an easy walk, gradually warming up your body and your muscles. The most common postural dysfunction when pushing a stroller is hunching forward, so be sure to keep your shoulders down and back throughout your walk.



The squat is one of the best exercises for the lower body. Stand behind your stroller with the brake off, hands about shoulder width apart on the handlebars. Your feet and knees should face forward with your legs about hips width apart. Sit your bottom way back, and put your weight on your heels. Push your stroller out in front of you as you squat down, and pull it back in as you pull yourself up to a standing position. When squatting back, keep your spine long and strong, with your upper body only slightly tilted forward. A common mistake during this exercise is to bend too much from the upper body, when it should be the lower body that is reaching back. You can also change your perspective and do your squats in front of the stroller to entertain your little one. VIDEO: Click here to see Stroller Squat Variations.



Let’s do some interval training. Walk for 30 seconds as hard and fast as you can, then recover by slowing your pace a little for 30 seconds. Repeat this sequence until your time is up.



This exercise is best done pushing uphill. A sloped driveway will work fine. Start with the stroller just in front of you, with one hand on the handlebar and your arm bent. Use that arm to push the stroller uphill, and focus on your chest muscles as you push. Return and repeat about 12 times, then switch arms.



The lunge is by far one of the most effective exercises a woman can do to tone and strengthen her lower body. It’s a compound exercise, which basically means it works a lot of muscles in just one move! A good lunge will effectively work your quadriceps (front of your thighs), hamstrings (back of your thighs) and gluteus maximus (your bottom). This exercise will be part of your walk. Lunge walk by taking really long strides and lowering your upper body down until your front thigh is almost parallel to the ground. Your front knee should not go farther forward than your toes. Lower your body slowly and squeeze your thighs and glutes as you come back up.Want to crank up your lunge walking? VIDEOS: Try the Walking Lunge with a Plie. Or take a look at this variation standing in one place. Alternating Stroller Lunge.



Resume your walk using full, powerful strides. Keep your feet and knees facing forward and your body standing tall.



Walk back to your driveway or another small hill. This time, face the stroller downhill. Your feet should be set about as wide as your hips, hands about shoulder width apart on the stroller. Let the stroller roll forward so your arms are extended, then use your upper back muscles to pull the stroller back in to you. Focus on a strong back to pull the stroller in towards your body.



By now you should really be working. Keep your intensity up enough so that you are a little out of breath, but not so much that you can’t sing to your baby.


Have your right side facing the stroller. Standing still, use the right hand to push the stroller away, while reaching overhead with the left arm. Use your abs on the left side to pull the stroller back. Focus on pulling the ribs to hips. After about 1 minute, do the other side.



Put your break on and lay a blanket in front of your stroller. Lay down directly in front of your stroller with your head at the butt of the front wheel (or wheels). Hold on to the wheel behind you. Pick your legs up at a right angle with feet off the ground. Engage abs and draw belly button in to your spine.


Take time to stretch all the body parts we worked today. This is a great time to pull

your baby out of the stroller and stretch next to her! You’ve now finished a workout

comprised of strength, cardiovascular and flexibility exercises, and you’ve gotten to do

it while spending quality time with your baby.

*** Always make sure stroller is stable. Do not ever hang on stroller.

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